Colonoscopy Specialist

Kevin McNamara, MD -  - Board Certified Gastroenterologist

Kevin McNamara, MD

Board Certified Gastroenterologist located in Tulsa, OK

A colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that can diagnose and treat conditions that affect your large intestines, including colon cancer. At his practice, Kevin McNamara, MD, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Dr. McNamara offers colonoscopy testing to determine the underlying cause of your abdominal pain or as a colon cancer screening tool. To learn more about the colonoscopy and how it can provide answers to your health concerns, call the office or book an appointment using the online tool today.

Colonoscopy Q&A

What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a procedure that allows Dr. McNamara to closely examine your large intestines, which is the final portion of your digestive system. During a colonoscopy, Dr. McNamara inserts a colonoscope, which is a special tool equipped with a light and camera, that allows him to visually examine your large intestines.

In addition to the visual images, the colonoscope also allows Dr. McNamara to biopsy any abnormalities found during your procedure, as well as remove polyps, which are benign growths that may turn cancerous if not removed. 

Why would I need a colonoscopy?

Dr. McNamara explains in detail why you need a colonoscopy during your consultation. You may need a colonoscopy if you’re experiencing:

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Changes in bowel habits

You may also benefit from a colonoscopy if you’ve been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disease that requires a colonoscopy as part of your routine monitoring and care.

Dr. McNamara also recommends a colonoscopy for colon cancer screening. All adults 50 and over should be screened for colon cancer. He may also suggest colon cancer screening with a colonoscopy if you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps, or you’re 45 and over and of African-American descent. 

How do I prepare for my colonoscopy?

Dr. McNamara provides specific instructions on the steps you need to take to prepare for your colonoscopy. The purpose of the preparation is to clear your large intestines of stool. Failure to properly prepare for your colonoscopy may require that you reschedule your test. 

Your bowel prep for a colonoscopy includes various laxatives, as well as modifications to your diet, and may start as early as 36 hours before your procedure.

What happens during a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a painless procedure that usually takes 45 minutes or less. To ease your anxiety and discomfort, Dr. McNamara provides a sedative before he begins. 

During your colonoscopy, you lie on your side or back and Dr. McNamara slowly advances the colonoscope through your large intestines. If needed, he biopsies any tissue abnormalities and removes all polyps. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort during these procedures.

After your colonoscopy, you’re sent to a recovery area until the sedative wears off and Dr. McNamara reviews the findings of your colonoscopy and sends you home.

You need to arrange to have someone drive you home after your colonoscopy and Dr. McNamara recommends you take it easy for the rest of the day. 

To schedule an evaluation with the board-certified gastroenterologist to learn more about the colonoscopy, contact the office of Kevin McNamara, MD, by phone or online today.